Audi Q8 Advertisement

  • Unreel Creative

  • Starring

    Willie Jefferson
    Holly Jefferson

  • Client

    Audi Winnipeg

  • Director

    Trevor Johnsen

  • 1st AD

    Eric Curt Peters

  • Production Assistant

    Victoria Briceno

  • Behind The Scenes

    Victoria Briceno

  • Director of Photography

    Trevor Johnsen

  • Producer

    Audi Winnipeg

  • Camera Operator

    Trevor Johnsen

  • Editor/ Colourist

    Eric Curt Peters

Video Editing Winnipeg


The objective of this commercial is to showcase the all-new features of Audi vehicles available at Audi Winnipeg and provide a real-world review from satisfied customers, Willie and Holly Jefferson. The commercial aims to emphasize the quality, performance, and innovation of Audi cars while engaging the target audience and generating interest in visiting Audi Winnipeg for a test drive or purchase.

Target Audience:
The target audience for this commercial includes car enthusiasts, luxury car buyers, professionals, and individuals seeking high-performance and technologically advanced vehicles. The primary demographic consists of adults aged 25-54 with above-average income and a preference for premium automotive brands.

Key Messages:

Cutting-Edge Features: Highlight the innovative and advanced features of Audi vehicles available at Audi Winnipeg, emphasizing their superiority in terms of technology, safety, and performance.

Real Customer Testimonial: Showcase the positive experience of real customers, Willie and Holly Jefferson, who share their firsthand review and satisfaction with their brand-new Audi car, emphasizing the reliability and customer satisfaction associated with Audi Winnipeg.

Unparalleled Luxury and Style: Highlight the luxurious design, refined aesthetics, and superior craftsmanship that Audi vehicles offer, showcasing their ability to elevate the driving experience.

Creative Approach:
The commercial will follow a storytelling approach, weaving together captivating visuals and a compelling narrative to engage the audience emotionally. It will feature Willie and Holly Jefferson, a relatable and trustworthy couple, enjoying their new Audi car and sharing their genuine experience. The commercial will seamlessly integrate shots of the Audi vehicles' key features, such as advanced infotainment systems, cutting-edge safety features, and dynamic driving capabilities.

The commercial will have a runtime of 30 seconds, ensuring a concise yet impactful presentation of the key messages and visuals.

Distribution Channels:
The commercial will be primarily distributed through various digital platforms, including YouTube, social media channels (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter), and the Audi Winnipeg website. Additionally, it will be broadcasted on local television channels during prime time slots to reach a wider audience.

Call to Action:
The commercial will conclude with a strong call to action, urging viewers to visit Audi Winnipeg for a test drive or to learn more about the range of Audi vehicles available. The contact information and website details of Audi Winnipeg will be prominently displayed for easy access.

  • Product Photography Winnipeg
  • Product Photography Winnipeg
  • Product Photography Winnipeg
  • Product Photography Winnipeg
  • Product Photography Winnipeg

