Nala's Secret Santa

  • Unreel Creative

  • Client

    Optimus Gear

  • Director

    Gordon Templeton

  • 1st AD

    Eric Curt Peters

  • Production Assistant

    Clarize Ariza

  • Behind the Scenes

    Clarize Ariza

  • Director of Photography

    Eric Curt Peters

  • Producer

    Optimus Gear

  • Camera Operator

    Eric Curt Peters

  • Editor/ Colourist

    Eric Curt Peters


Objective: To highlight the importance of pet safety during travel, particularly during the holiday season, by showcasing the Optimus Gear Defender Harness.

Target Audience: Dog owners who are active and travel with their pets, aged 25-45, prioritize safety and comfort for their pets, and are likely to purchase premium pet products.

Key Message: The Optimus Gear Defender Harness ensures your pet's safety on every adventure, even when unexpected situations arise.

Creative Concept: The commercial utilizes a split-screen narrative to follow a man and a woman preparing for a Christmas party, emphasizing the chaos of holiday preparations and travel, especially with pets. The climax reveals a twist of fate where the two paths collide, literally, leading to an unexpected exchange of the perfect gift – the Optimus Gear Defender Harness. This underscores the product’s value in providing safety in unpredictable situations.

Location: King's Park, Winnipeg

Equipment: Shot on Blackmagic Design Ursa Pro with OLPF for optimal light management and image quality.

Commercial Script:

Opening (0-10 seconds):

Split-screen: Left side shows a man wrapping gifts in a lively, somewhat cluttered living room. Right side shows a woman doing the same, but in a more orderly fashion. Both are preparing for a Christmas party, with holiday music subtly playing in the background.

Middle (10-30 seconds):

Both characters pack their cars with the gifts and their dogs. The man struggles to manage his rambunctious dog, highlighting the need for a solution. The split-screen continues as they both drive to their destination. The man’s dog, without a harness, is visibly distracting him, jumping and barking.


Climax (30-50 seconds):

The man’s distraction leads to his car gently rear-ending the woman’s car at a stop. The split-screen merges into a full screen, revealing the unexpected connection between the two drivers. The woman steps out to exchange information, noticing the man also has a Christmas gift ready.

Resolution (50-60 seconds):

In a humorous and heartwarming twist, the woman’s dog (secured with an Optimus Gear Defender Harness) cleverly rolls down the window and tosses out a gift – another Defender Harness. The man catches it, looking surprised and grateful. The woman smiles, pointing to her dog safely secured in the backseat, highlighting the harness.

Closing (60-70 seconds):

Cut to a close-up of the Optimus Gear Defender Harness with a voice-over: “This holiday season, give the gift of safety to your furry companions. Optimus Gear Defender Harness – Safe adventures, happy memories.” The Optimus Gear logo appears with a festive jingle in the background. Call to Action: Visit our website or your nearest retailer to purchase the Optimus Gear Defender Harness. Make every journey safe.

